SchemathesisをWindowsで実行すると Unreliable test timings! と言われ失敗する
=============================== Schemathesis test session starts ===============================
platform Windows -- Python 3.8.6, schemathesis-2.4.1, hypothesis-5.36.1, hypothesis_jsonschema-0.18.0, jsonschema-3.2.0
rootdir: C:\Project\python3\schemathesis
hypothesis profile 'default' -> database=DirectoryBasedExampleDatabase('C:\\Project\\python3\\schemathesis\\.hypothesis\\examples')
Specification version: Open API 3.0.2
Workers: 1
collected endpoints: 1
====================================== HYPOTHESIS OUTPUT =======================================
Unreliable test timings! On an initial run, this test took 2027.35ms, which exceeded the deadline of 500.00ms, but on a subsequent run it took 3.80 ms, which did not. If you expect this sort of variability in your test timings, consider turning deadlines off for this test by setting deadline=None.
============================================ ERRORS ============================================
____________________________________________ GET: / ____________________________________________
hypothesis.errors.Flaky: Tests on this endpoint produce unreliable results:
Falsified on the first call but did not on a subsequent one
Run this Python code to reproduce this failure:
Or add this option to your command line parameters: --hypothesis-seed=139716999376258123830357447525910150451
Add this option to your command line parameters to see full tracebacks: --show-errors-tracebacks
=========================================== SUMMARY ============================================
Performed checks:
not_a_server_error 2 / 2 passed PASSED
====================================== 1 errored in 2.16s ======================================
This could be a Hypothesis bug, but it usually isn't.